Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN)

The Midwest Invasive Plant Network wants people to understand the problem of invasive plant species and work to minimize their impact. Among other goals, they are helping to develop prevention measures, early detection and response programs, technical support for land managers to control invasive species, consistent data collection, educational materials, and a strong  network connecting of land managers, researchers, educators, industry, and others on the issue of invasive plant species.

MIPN’s Video Cultivating Awareness of Invasive Plants

MIPN’s “A Field Guide to Invasive Plants of the Midwest,” available for order on their website, presents 36 of the most widespread and problematic invasive plants in the Midwest. The guide includes color photos, identification information, a map showing the range and relative abundance of each species in the region, and information on the ecological threat caused by each.

Brown County Native Woodlands Project

Brown County is the first county in Indiana to adopt the goal of protecting its forests from invasive plant species. The Brown County Natives Woodlands Project has mapped targeted species along all county roadsides and has begun eradication of Japanese knotweed, trained volunteers, completed more than 50 free, invasive plant assessments on private property, and created an informative website.

Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs)

CWMAs are being formed across the U.S. as landowners, private groups and government agencies look for more effective ways to limit the growing economic and environmental damage caused by invasive species. Most CWMAs are coalitions of private and public organizations—sharing knowledge, people, and other resources in an effort to improve public education, prevention, and eradication/containment programs across a given geographic area.

Incorporated in 2008, Southern Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) covers 37 Indiana counties and includes the Hoosier National Forest, national wildlife refuges, state forests, state recreation areas, state parks, state fish and wildlife areas, and other public and private land.

Three other CWMAs have formed in Indiana, as seen in the map below. See also Indiana Invasives Initiative and CISMAs.


Regional CWMAs

Click to enlarge