Champions for Biodiversity
Champions for Biodiversity
Champions for Biodiversity
Champions for Biodiversity
Nourishing the Web of Life
Nourishing the Web of Life
Nourishing the Web of Life
Nourishing the Web of Life
Bringing Youth to Nature
Bringing Youth to Nature
Bringing Youth to Nature
Bringing Youth to Nature

We Invite You To Explore

Why Native Plants?

Learn why native plants are crucial to the web of life and our future.

Add Native Plants to Your Landscape

We help you get started and show you where to purchase native plants.

The Threat of Invasive Plants

Get to know the worst invasive plants and how to control them.

Visit Native Plants in the Wild

Discover native plants in their natural habitats and learn how to identify them.

Inspire the Next Generation

Share your love of nature and nurture tomorrow’s environmental stewards.

Make Lifelong Friends

Find kindred spirits at our plant sale, garden tours, annual conference, and volunteer activities.

Dig Deeper

Lend a Hand

INPS has volunteer activities to suit every interest and energy level, plus you meet the most interesting people!

Certify Your Native Garden

You’ve increased biodiversity and enhanced habitat by adding natives to your garden. Now show off your native garden as an example for others.

Apply for a Grant

Our Biodiversity Grant Program and Letha’s Youth Outdoors Fund support projects and activities that advance the INPS mission.

Get to Know Us

We’re glad you’ve come to visit the Indiana Native Plant Society website.

Whatever your interest—protecting natural places, adding native plants to your garden, photographing wildflowers, or lending expertise to our community of native plant enthusiasts—there’s a place for you here. Together we’re working to create healthy ecosystems, teach the next generation to love the land, and save the wild beauty of Indiana.

Our Mission & Vision

We promote the appreciation, preservation, scientific study, and use of plants native to Indiana; and teach people about their beauty, diversity, and importance to our environment.

We envision an Indiana whose citizens treasure and protect their native plants and the web of life that relies on them and who use native plants in public and private landscapes.