The Indiana Terrestrial Invasive Plant Rule was signed by Governor Holcomb and published on March 18, 2019, and goes into effect April 18, 2020.

The rule states with respect to the 44 plant species included on the rule:

“A person must not:

(1) Sell, offer or grow for sale, gift, barter, exchange, or distribute a species;

(2) Transport or transfer a species; or

(3) Introduce a species.

(4) Subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection are effective one year after the effective date of this rule.”

Note that section (3) “Introduce a species” is effective immediately (around April 16, 2019).

Selling, offering, distributing and transport doesn’t go into effect until April of 2020, so nurseries will have some time to sell down their stock.  This is an important component of the rule to minimize economic loss to nurseries that grow and/or sell the few commercially available species that are on the list.  Currently there is no mandate to eradicate existing plantings in nurseries, landscapes, or forested areas.

View Ellen Jacquart’s Presentation on Invasive Plants and This Rule

Fact Sheet Listing Prohibited Plants

Coming Soon: Terrestrial Plant Rule Pocket Guide

The Terrestrial Plant Rule (TPR) Pocket Guide will include all regulated terrestrial plant species in Indiana. This guide will provide information and tips to correctly identify each species and ecological impacts by each species. The guide will also include a list of species that are not included in the terrestrial plant rule (TPR) but have invasive qualities. The guide will include information about the TPR and how it affects businesses and the public.  It will be available as a PDF and Microsoft Power Point. It should be completed and available for download April 2020, when the TPR becomes enforceable.