Volunteering can be the best part of INPS membership—you meet the most interesting people! We have volunteer activities to suit every interest and energy level.
Annual Conference Meet experts in a variety of fields while staging an educational/outreach event of benefit to the community. Volunteer opportunities include event coordination and help with publicity, catering, speakers, exhibitors, set-up/clean-up, and registration. Detailed notes and documents from previous conferences provide guidance. Email conference@indiananativeplants.org.
Book Sales Select titles to sell at the Plant Sale and Annual Conference. Help set up/take down the book display, serve as cashier, organize book signings. Email booksale@indiananativeplants.org.
Conservation Advocacy Plan work days with land trusts and parks, represent INPS in activities ofthe Indiana Conservation Alliance (e.g., Conservation Day at the Statehouse), and educate legislators/members on conservation issues related to INPS’ mission. Email conservation@indiananativeplants.org.
Event Table Greeter Represent INPS at public events such as Earth Day, Flower and Patio Show, Conservation Day at the Zoo, and the Master Gardener Spring Garden Clinic. Opportunities include booth setup/takedown and engaging with the public at the INPS booth. Email your regional chapter leader.
Garden Tours/Demonstrations Create temporary or permanent native plant display gardens or organize garden tours showing Hoosier gardeners what native plants look like and how to use them in their landscapes. A great opportunity for avid gardeners, designers, and discriminating weeders. Email your regional chapter leader.
Grants and Awards Evaluate proposals to INPS’ two grant programs: Letha’s Youth Outdoors Fund, and Biodiversity Grants. INPS supports well-conceived grant projects that are in line with our mission to promote the appreciation, preservation, scientific study, and use of plants native to Indiana; and to teach people about their beauty, diversity, and importance to our environment. Email grants@indiananativeplants.org.
Hikes/Field Trips Put your planning skills and fresh ideas to use as you collaborate in developing interesting excursions for INPS members in your chapter region. Email your regional chapter leader.
Historian Maintain and safely store INPS records such as Founding Papers, Minutes, Financial Reports, Programs, Yearbooks, Newsletters, and Annual Conference materials. Research past history as needed. Email historian@indiananativeplants.org.
Invasive Plant Education Speak to interested groups or bring the INPS invasives display to public events. Develop materials on invasive species, or help distribute these to your local library, nursery, or neighborhood. Email invasives@indiananativeplants.org.
Invasive Plant Removal Participate in organized assaults on invasives that are spoiling our natural areas and destroying habitat. Enjoy working outdoors with the camaraderie of fellow members. Email your regional chapter leader.
Landscaping with Natives Evaluate information available to gardeners and landscapers concerning native plants; fill gaps with accurate information; engage with developers, homeowner associations, and municipalities to promote native plant friendly regulations; help with INPS’ Grow Indiana Nativex retail incentive program. Email landscape@indiananativeplants.org.
Membership Development Solicit, receive, and track INPS memberships and renewals; maintain member database and provide reports to officers, team leaders, and chapter heads; update the annual Membership Directory; provide mailing lists for publicity; develop plans to build and enhance the value of INPS membership. Email membership@indiananativeplants.org.
Native Plant Rescue Save native plants from natural areas under heavy development pressure; overwinter them, then pot and label half the take for INPS’ spring Plant Sale & Auction. Scout for rescue opportunities and secure permission to dig. Care for and transport plants to the sale venue, or propagate natives using seed collected from members’ gardens and the wild. Email your regional chapter leader.
Journal INPS Journal seeks ideas or expertise that might interest our membership. Writing/editing assistance is provided. Opportunities include roving reporters for trips or events; members having a story to tell about their gardens or local initiatives; professional/amateur experts to share their knowledge; and persons with editing, proofreading, photography, or graphic design skills. Email journal@indiananativeplants.org.
Plant Sale & Auction A great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals for a fun, fast-paced day. Volunteers stage a 2-hour sale and 1-hour auction of native-to-Indiana plants. Helpers may choose among many tasks, for example: plan the event/location, solicit plant donations, publicize the event, oversee checkin/checkout, assign volunteer tasks, receive plant deliveries, set up hospitality and education tables, organize plant display, manage auction items, record auction bidding, etc. Email plantsale@indiananativeplants.org.
Marketing/Public Relations Apply your marketing flair to cultivate interest in what INPS has to offer. Update or fine-tune the mailing list of potential audiences. Help publicize INPS events, coordinate an outreach campaign, develop creative ways to share INPS information with the public, or simply scan your local area for outreach opportunities. Email webmaster@indiananativeplants.org.
Speakers Bureau/Presentations Present a PowerPoint slide show on a topic such as Spring Wildflowers, Aliens, or Native Trees for the Landscape. Slide shows come with prepared scripts enabling any member to speak to an interested group at the local library or garden club. Volunteers are needed to provide good digital images of native plants, develop new presentations, or schedule volunteer speakers for events at the chapter level when invitations arrive. Email your regional chapter leader.
Website/Social Media Anticipate what news and events will interest current and prospective INPS members and connect with them via the website and social network media. Send email blasts, keep the website fresh, write a blog, maintain a Facebook presence, and otherwise take advantage of technology to engage the membership and further the INPS mission. Email webmaster@indiananativeplants.org.
Youth Education Make possible youth field trips to natural areas through Letha’s Youth Outdoors Fund; help to engage children in nature play and study as a field trip participant; lead a Native Plant Wizard patch program; develop programs to bring young people into contact with native plants. Email your regional chapter leader.