Interested in seeing the “original” Indiana?  An INPS hike is a great opportunity to join others in the great outdoors to observe and learn about our state’s fascinating plants—animals too!—and their habitats. You’ll get to know our native plants up close and personal, guided by experts who can show you where to look and help you understand what you’re seeing.

Venturing through a wet meadow at Swamp Angel

INPS partners with IDNR Division of Nature Preserves on several of their yearly hikes. Our regional chapters also arrange for hikes locally. Except as noted, INPS hikes are open to the public and do not require registration. When we venture into more delicate or restricted environments, the numbers of participants may be limited via registration.

Details and directions are posted on INPS News as they become available. Click on the category “Hikes & Field Trips.”

What to Expect

Hikes are typically offered from April to October at various locations in the state. Most sites visited are natural areas, ranging in conditions from level to rugged, wet to dry, full sun to shade. Many are high quality and designated as state nature preserves.

Each trip has one or more hike leaders eager to share their knowledge along the way. Typically these are people who manage the properties, who work for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Nature Preserves, or who teach at local universities. It’s not uncommon for at least a few fellow hikers to be plant experts in their own right!

You can expect to have a great experience on the hike, but be aware that you may encounter a variety of weather conditions and field hazards, such as mosquitoes, poison ivy, and ticks. Proper preparation and a sense of adventure normally overcome any of these discomforts.

So put on the boots, pack your camera and rain gear, apply your favorite bug repellent, and join us as we take delight in Indiana’s natural treasures.

Identifying rare sedges at Prophetstown fen


Self-Guided Mini-Hikes

Many Indiana communities include parks and parcels of natural land where native plants can be seen without traveling far afield.

We welcome your reports about such places for our Mini-Hikes Series in INPS Journal.

Getting down with mosses and lichens at Plaster Creek Seeps