Our INPS membership and Facebook group boasts many fine nature photographers, and we always need good photos to promote the Indiana Native Plant Society on the website, in brochures, in talks, and on social media.

To serve this need, we launched the INPS Photo Contest in 2019 under the guidance of master photographer Lee Casebere. The contest is a chance to showcase photographic talents while providing lots of eye candy for INPS outreach efforts. This year, the contest is open not just to INPS members but to the public as well. Watch for revised contest rules in the near future. The deadline for submissions will be August 31, 2020.

Submit a Photo Entry

2019 Winners: Plant Portrait

First Place, Hidden Spring, by Tim Street


Second Place, Purple Coneflower, by Teddy Alfrey


Third Place, Royal Catchfly (Silene regia), by Richard Miller

2019 Winners: Landscape Scene

First Place by Bob Easter


Second Place by Mary Durkin


Third Place, Winterberry, by Karen Griggs