Whatever your passion—protecting natural places, adding native plants to your garden, photographing wildflowers, or lending expertise to our community of native plant enthusiasts—there’s a place for you in the Indiana Native Plant Society.

Together we’re working to create healthy ecosystems, teach the next generation to love the land, and save the wild beauty of Indiana.

Programs for Every Interest

Hikes & Field Trips

Spring Plant Sale & Auction

Grow Indiana Natives” Retail Incentive Program

Biodiversity Garden Tours

Annual Fall Conference

Education & Outreach

Letha’s Youth Outdoors Fund

Native Plant Rescue

Grants & Awards

INPS Journal

Speakers Bureau

Invasives Education

Florathon Team Competition

Photo Contest

Like What We Do?

Then help us carry out our mission. Your donation to INPS, along with the energy and expertise of our volunteers, makes it possible to carry out these programs. You can earmark your donation for certain programs or let us apply it where there is the greatest need.