Save Seeds Now for the AC2019 Seed Swap November 9

Native plant gardeners, please note!

The 2019 INPS Annual Conference will be held on November 9 at the Grand Wayne Conference Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For the third year, a native plant seed swap will be part of the program.

If you plan to attend the conference and if you grow native plants that set viable seeds, please consider sharing some at this popular event.

The goldfinches that have already discovered our purple coneflowers remind us that it’s not too early to start collecting seeds. For the swap, we ask that you dry and clean any seeds you wish to share. Place them in wide-mouth jars (plastic or glass) with lids and label each jar clearly with the full common name of the parent plant and the Indiana county in which it was grown. If you know the plant’s scientific name, please include that as well.

Deliver your lidded jars of seeds to the seed swap venue, located at the rear of the main presentation room, no later than 8:30 a.m. the day of the conference. There you will receive a card identifying you as a seed swap supplier. That card will allow you and one companion to join in the exclusive first group of seed swap consumers during the first break in the conference program. During the later breaks, the seed swap will be opened to all conference attendees.

It’s a good feeling to know the plants you’ve enjoyed all summer will give the same satisfaction to others in the year to come. With help from many INPS members, the previous seed swaps have been great successes. Please help us make it three in a row! 

—Mark Sheehan, Plant Swap Coordinator