Indiana Invasive Species Council Conference February 15

Thursday, February 15  
Indiana Invasive Species Council Conference:
Grassroots Networking and Resources to Manage Invasive Species in Indiana

The focus of this biennial conference is to bring Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) and Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) together with other agencies and organizations that manage invasive species to strengthen existing focused and collaborative efforts and to empower statewide grassroots actions for effective invasive species management. Join us and learn who’s doing what and why, new resources and tools and how together we can have a greater impact on invasive species management in Indiana and even the Midwest.

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds & Conference Center, Danville.

Registration is $25 and can be completed online at

For questions, email

Draft Schedule:

8:30 – Registration Opens

9:00 – Opening Remarks and Overview of Invasive species in Indiana – Heather Reynolds

9:20 – Aquatic Invasive Species Updates – Eric Fischer

9:40 – Emerald Ash Borer Update – Cliff Sadof

10:00 – Break

10:15 – Cooperative Weed Management Area/Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area Ignite Round

11:25 – Draft Terrestrial Plant Rule Update – Megan Abraham

11:45 –Southern Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) & Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Cooperative Agreement Update – Steve Cotter

12:05 – 1:15 – Working Lunch (Who Does What and Why: Agency and Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area Partnerships)

1:15 – Summarize Lunch Discussion

1:30 – Report It! How and Why We Use Citizen Science to Manage Invasive Species – Cliff Sadof

1:50 – Grow Native – Ellen Jacquart

2:10 – Social Media Updates and Terrestrial Plants Update

2:35 – Closing Remarks – Heather Reynolds

3:00 – Meeting Adjourns