West Central Chapter 2019 Fall Programs

West Central Chapter of Indiana Native Plant Society
2019 Fall Programs

Programs are held at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Park, West Lafayette, on the 4th Monday of the month starting at 7:00 p.m. Programs are free and open to the public.

August 26: Mosses & Ferns.   A presentation on some of the non-flowering plants of our area and their life cycles. Mosses will be covered by Sally Weeks—retired Purdue dendrologist who loves mosses almost as much as she loves trees) and ferns will be covered by Susan Ulrich—WC-INPS Vice-Pres who loves ferns almost as much as she loves birds.

September 23:  The Regal Fritillary Butterfly & Other projects at Kankakee Sands.” Alyssa Nyberg,* Restoration Ecologist at Kankakee Sands. For 20 years, she has helped  the area transform from 8,000 acres of farmland to a   prairie teeming with wildlife. Her  main concerns are producing seed for the prairie plantings and coordinating outreach on the property..

October 28:  Title to be Determined. Stephanie Frische,* Xerxes Society. The Xerxes Society works to protect native insects which are intimately tied to our native plants. Each group needs the other. Come learn more about their interrelationships.

November 25:  Nectar Sources in Indiana Woodlands. Kevin Tungesvick,* Senior Ecologist with Eco LogicKevin is one of the top botanists in Indiana and has been active in INPS since its founding. Here’s a chance to learn more about forest plants helpful to pollinators and others.

* Join us at the MCL Cafeteria in West Lafayette at 6 p.m. for dinner before the meetings. The speaker usually attends which gives you a chance to get acquainted with him or her.

MORE INFO: Susan Ulrich sueandtedulrich@msn.com