West Central Chapter Fall 2019 Programs Announced

WC-INPS PROGRAM Meetings—fourth Mondays at 7pm

at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Nature Area (West Lafayette)

Dinner with the speaker is at 6pm at the MCL Cafeteria-West Lafayette

~open to public ~

MON  SEP 23  “The State-Endangered Regal Fritillary Butterfly

                          and Other Projects at Kankakee Sands”

   For the past twenty years, Alyssa Nyberg (Restoration Ecologist, TNC)

   has helped Kankakee Sands transform from 8,000 acres of agriculture to

   a prairie teeming with wildlife. Her primary responsibilities there are

   acquiring seed for the prairie plantings and coordinating outreach.

MON  OCT 28  “A Deeper Look at Milkweeds in Late Summer”

   The Xerces Society works to protect native insects which are intimately

   tied to native plants. Stephanie Frischie (Xerces Society, Indiana office)

   discusses the interrelationships of milkweeds and insects.

MON NOV 25  “Nectar Sources in Indiana Woodlands”

   Kevin Tungesvick (Senior Ecologist with Eco Logic and one of Indiana’s

   top botanists) talks about forest plants helpful to pollinators & others.

Pgm Chair: Susan Ulrich 765-583-2275 sueandtedulrich@msn.com