Time to Dig Plants for May 11 Native Plant Sale & Auction

INPS Annual Sale is Near!

Just a friendly reminder that the Indiana Native Plants Society’s biggest fundraising event is right around the corner—the May 11th annual Native Plant Sale & Auction at Park Tudor School.

Please consider sharing natives from your yard!  You can drop off donated plants at the Park Tudor High School gymnasium on Friday evening, May 10th from 5pm until 7pm or Saturday morning before 8am.

If you have LOTS to share and could use some help digging and re-potting, please contact the INPS Rescue Team! Volunteers from INPS will schedule a date and time with you.  You can reach Jeannine Mattingly to find out more and/or to schedule help:  sjmatt@att.net.

Also, please sign up to volunteer if you plan to help out the day of the event.  You can view the various volunteer tasks and sign up HERE.

For any questions regarding the May 11th sale and auction or volunteering, please contact Tammy Stevens at stevens.tammy@att.net.