West Central Chapter 2018 Programs

West Central Chapter meets on fourth Mondays at 7:00 pm at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Nature Area (West Lafayette).

Dinner with the speaker is at 6:00 pm in the MCL Cafeteria-West Lafayette

 ~ open to the public ~

January 22—Natural Areas in the Lafayette Park System
Presentation by Don Staley, Natural Resources & Recreation Planner, Lafayette Parks & Recreation. Learn about the parks you can visit in Lafayette, their natural areas, and also how you can help them out. The parks offer a lot more than playgrounds and mowed grass.

February 26—The Morel
Presentation by Steve Russell, president, Hoosier Mushroom Society. All about the various species of Morel Mushrooms, those denizens of the woods that are prized by mushroom aficionatos. Learn how they grow, where they like to grow, how to tell the various types apart and perhaps some new ways to enjoy them.

March 26—Saving the Monarch
Presentation by Barb Lucas, Naturalist and Photographer. Barb is a lover of nature and a great photographer. This should be a very interesting program and provide you with ideas for what you could plant or do in your yard and gardens to attract this beautiful butterfly species as well as others and help them return year after year. 

April  23        To be announced.  

~ For other nature-related events in the West Central Indiana area, see the latest issue of Native Roots. ~