Candidates for INPAWS Board

At the November 3 Annual Conference, INPAWS members will be electing two new directors for the Board. We’re pleased to provide this information about them.

Ronnie Greenberg

Ronnie Greenberg is an Advanced Master Gardener and an Indiana Advanced Master Naturalist, with bachelor and masters degrees in biology from Purdue University. A resident of Allen County, she is an active volunteer at the Lawton Park Greenhouse, Purdue Extension, and Little River Wetlands Project, with a special interest in citizen science projects such as the Monarch Larvae Monitoring Project conducted at Eagle Marsh and Riverwatch assessments conducted on the Little River and the Graham McCulloch Ditch. Before retirement, she was the CEO of a not-for-profit organization in Fort Wayne.

Roger Hedge

Roger L. Hedge is a field ecologist with the Indiana DNR Division of Nature Preserves’ Natural Heritage Program.  Following his 1978 graduation from Ball State University in Natural Resources and Biology, he started as a seasonal naturalist at Turkey Run State Park.  His current work with Nature Preserves includes natural areas and rare species inventory.