West Central Chapter Programs, Fall 2017

West Central Chapter Program Meetingsfourth Mondays at 7pm at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Nature Area (West Lafayette)

Dinner with the speaker is at 6pm in the MCL Cafeteria-West Lafayette

 ~ open to the public ~

MON SEP 25  “The Importance of a Biodiverse World”

   Dawn Slack, TNC, & Chair of Indiana’s Invasive Plant Council.

MON OCT 23  “The Diversity in Indiana’s Forests and Will it Last?”

   Mike Jenkins, Forestry & Natural Resources,  Purdue University.

MON NOV 27  “Mushrooms, Mycelia, and Morels”

   Don Ruch, Ball State  University

MON JAN  22  “The Lafayette Park System and You”  

   Don Staley, Natural Resources & Recreation Planner, Laf. Parks & Rec.

PgmChair: Susan Ulrich 765-583-2275 sueandtedulrich@msn.com

For other nature programs in the West Central region, see NativeRoots2017#4-SEP-DEC