West Central Chapter Events for August, September

WC-INPAWS PROGRAM Meetings—fourth Mondays at 7pm

at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Nature Area (West Lafayette)

Dinner with the speaker is at 6pm at the MCL Cafeteria-West Lafayette

 (open to public ~ NO WC-INPAWS PROGRAM MEETING in JULY)

MON AUG 28th  History of the Uses of Native Plants (part II)

   Native plants have been used for centuries for many purposes, and a

   number of our non-native species were deliberately introduced

   because of their usefulness.  Learn more about some of the plants

   that now grace our roadsides, fields, and woodlands in this

   presentation by Amanda Smith, Supt. of Natural Resources &

   Education, Hamilton Co. Parks & Recreation.

MON SEP 25th  Invasive Plants and other Threats to our

                          Native Flora and Pollinators

   A presentation by Dawn Slack. So. Indiana Land Steward for TNC

   and chair of IPAC (Invasive Plant Advisory Committee).

PgmChair: Susan Ulrich 765-583-2275 sueandtedulrich@msn.com