Protecting Central Indiana’s Water March 19

Central Chapter Program (open to INPAWS members only)          

Date: Sunday, March 19 at 5:00-5:30pm (social time); presentation from 5:30-7:00 pm

Location: Bier Brewery, 5133 E. 65th St., Indpls, IN 46220 Only adults 21 and older are allowed in the bar. Beer, soda, cheese dip and bar snacks are available upon purchase.

**Space is limited, please register.**

It’s Our Water… Protecting Central Indiana’s Water

Have you ever wondered where the water in your tap comes from and the future of our supply in Central Indiana? Do you ever think about how many times and ways you and others in your community use water in a day? How about who controls the water and how our quality compares to state standards?  

Jill Hoffmann, the Executive Director of the White River Alliance, will be sharing some fun facts (and not so fun facts) about regional water resources in our area. She will discuss the condition, the threats, and the inspiring ways partner organizations and citizens are working to protect water quality. There’s a role for everyone – join us for this important discussion of one of our most valuable assets to businesses, recreation, and public health. 

Our Speaker:

Jill Hoffman is the President and Principle Owner of Empower Results, LLC – an environmental consulting company focused primarily on environmental education, outreach, and various public involvement services. She has a Master’s in Environmental Science and a Master’s in Public Affairs from Indiana University, as well as a BS in Biology from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

Jill has split her career between public government service and private consulting – giving her a wide range of experience on water quality issues. Her recent work as the Coordinator for the Upper White River Watershed Alliance is gaining national recognition as a model for watershed partnerships. The Clear Choices, Clean Water is a campaign to increase awareness about choices we make and the impact they have on our streams and lakes using social marketing tools and evaluation measures.