Please Donate Your Natives to Plant Sale May 13

Native Plant Sale is May 13th–please donate your natives!

Hello fellow native plant lovers and friends! It’s finally time to begin working in our gardens again, AND it’s time for INPAWS’ annual fundraising event!

The May 13th Native Plant Sale and Auction is our annual fundraiser for INPAWS programs. It’s also a wonderful educational tool to inform the public of the beauty and importance of native plants. Many of the plants sold at this annual event cannot be found for purchase locally.

Many of these plants are donated by members who know natives and are happy to divide and share. Some are from INPAWS plant rescue “digs” on properties about to be changed into buildings or other uses. A number of other plants are donated by local nurseries and some we purchase in order to round out the variety. 

Can you help our cause by donating some of your natives? Maybe you need to divide or can spare some from your yard that could benefit INPAWS and help spread the beauty and benefits of natives to our community. Now is the time to dig and pot them, to get them somewhat established and looking their best for the Sale. Or if you don’t have the time to dig, we can do that for you!  Just contact our Central Chapter Plant Rescue Team by emailing them at

Your donation goes a long way in helping to share the love of natives and supporting the Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society. Thanks and Happy Spring!