Central Chapter Promoting Teamwork


Jeannine Mattingly, President
Crystal Renskers, Vice-President
Claire Lane, Secretary—Treasurer
Amanda Smith, Past President

“Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.—Unknown Author

Greet the Public at an INPAWS Booth

Come join the fun! Socialize while we work! Bring a friend! Please contact Jeannine today! central@inpaws.org

3/25 Indiana Academy of Science Booth (1-2 experienced volunteers needed and at least two who would like to learn the ropes)

4/22 Earth Day Indiana All kinds of activity and fun at our INPAWS tent! Don’t miss it! Lots of ways you can help. Let us know if you want to be paired with someone experienced.

We Could Use Your Help…

  • To pull and cut invasives with the SWAT Team. invasives@inpaws.org
  • To lend your eyes and ears and report areas where native plants are going to be bulldozed. rescue@inpaws.org
  • To help organize plant rescues. rescue@inpaws.org
  • To help with the Grow Native project that encourages nurseries to carry native plants and discourages the selling of invasive plants. Claire.Lane@hamiltoncounty.in.gov
  • To take minutes at some of the Central Chapter meetings, and/or
  • To research the purchasing of name tags for our chapter. central@inpaws.org

Attend or Lead Family Hikes

June 10-18th “ICAN* Nature Play Days” or anytime, actually. Lead a short children’s or family hike or arrange for someone else to do so at some place you want your kids to experience.

We are looking for hikes to be held in all parts of our Central Chapter region. You design it; we’ll advertise it.

*Indiana Children and Nature Network

Want to Show off Your Spring Flowers to Members?

Short notice is OK! Contact Amy Perry to arrange a pop-up tour. Amy would also like to have persons who are willing to be greeters at some of the garden tours. amyperryindy@yahoo.com