Seeking Help to Store and Send INPAWS Materials

In recent years, The Nature Conservancy, Indiana Chapter, has been kind enough to support INPAWS with storage space for printed materials and assistance with mailings. Anticipating the expansion of the Grow Native retail incentive program statewide, we are going to have many more requests for materials and will need a person dedicated to fulfilling these requests as well as the usual requests for INPAWS brochures. Funding is being sought for this position, which requires an average 5-6 hours a month, with requests peaking in March and April. Please indicate your interest by emailing

Job Description



Fulfill requests for INPAWS informational brochures and retail incentive materials in a timely manner to support the INPAWS mission


INPAWS information brochure
“Landscaping with Plants Native to Indiana” brochure
“Invasive Plants in Indiana” brochure
Grow Native retailer and designer incentive materials (banners, pot stickers, etc.)


Store INPAWS materials safely
Inventory materials and track usage
Alert when it’s time to reprint or order more materials
Receive reprint and materials shipments
Fulfill requests for materials
Deliver materials by mail or handoff


A secure location for materials storage
Customer service orientation
Able to communicate via email