Plant ID Experts Needed for Bioblitz June 18 & 19

On Saturday, June 18th and Sunday, June 19th, The Friends of Goose Pond and the Indiana Academy of Science are hosting a bioblitz at Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area in Greene County near the city of Linton, Indiana. The primary aim of the bioblitz is to continue to gather baseline information concerning the flora and fauna at the site.

While most of the taxonomic teams have plenty of volunteers, the plant team needs more participants. We could use plant ID experts AS WELL AS volunteers to help find different species of plants.

If you would like to participate in this two day event, please email Don Ruch at

Please send you name and email address. Once I hear from you, I will send you information concerning lodging, schedule of events, etc.

Please consider joining the plant bioblitz team for an enjoyable 24+ hour event!