West Central Announces Spring 2015 Events

Here are some activities of the West-central INPAWS chapter. The list doesn’t include the RIP (Remove Invasive Plant) workdays, as they haven’t been set yet. 

January 26: Trees and Shrubs for Indiana. Len Farlee, State Forester, Purdue University. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park 7 p.m.

February 21: Joint Honeysuckle Removal Workday with Sycamore Audubon Society. Continuing the effort to control honeysuckle at Tippecanoe County’s Ross Hills Park. 10 a.m. Ross Hills Park.

February 23: The Everglades of Indiana: the Grand Kankakee and restoration efforts. Jim Sweeney, Friends of the Kankakee. Includes showing of award winning documentary about the Kanakee. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park 7 p.m.

March 23: The Historic Forests of Indiana: Chad Evans, WLFI Weatherman. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park 7 p.m.

March 28: Joint Honeysuckle Removal Workday with Sycamore Audubon Society. Continuing the effort to control honeysuckle at Tippecanoe County’s Ross Hills Park. 10 a.m. Ross Hills Park.