Sustainable Weed Management Workshop Set for June 2016

A unique, productive annual workshop for researchers and practitioners to engage in transdisciplinary discussions and problem solving related to sustainable weed management in agricultural, forest, and grassland systems. This workshop is suitable for advanced graduate students, postdocs, and junior and senior researchers and practitioners across ecological, agricultural, and social science disciplines and fields.

This year the workshop will be held June 6-10, 2016 in Alberta, Canada. If you have any questions about this workshop, feel free to email Sonia Graham (, Roger Cousens (, or myself ( Please help spread the word by forwarding this email to others who may be interested in this opportunity.

Thank you!

Zhao Ma, Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue University
195 Marsteller Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2033
Phone: 765-494-1790

Knowledge Nexus: Applying Transdisciplinary and Systems Approaches for Sustainable Weed Management
A refreshing, dynamic international workshop

• Are you enthusiastic about learning from, and working with, people from other disciplines?

• Are you looking for an opportunity to apply your expertise in a new context?

• Would you like the chance to explore how social science, agricultural and natural systems can come together to work more effectively?

Then this is the workshop for you! Our next international weeds workshop.

Our ambitious goal is to make holistic weed management a reality through transdisciplinarity!

How are we going to make this happen?

• Bring together a diverse group of enthusiastic researchers and managers with expertise from within and beyond weed and invasive plant management

• Use a unique format that throws away the sleep-inducing atmosphere of traditional conference venues and programs – there will be no one-way presentations of research results!

• Provide plenty of time and avenues for deep debate within and across disciplines

• Focus on a complex weed case study in southern Alberta, which we will visit

• Build on the lessons learned from the first two highly successful “ANDinA” workshops

• Give everyone a specific role to play in ensuring the meeting’s success

• Enable emerging researchers to take leading roles

• Make time for project conceptualisation, paper and grant preparation

• Daily walking in the fresh mountain air

Questions we will consider…

• How can we simultaneously address the ecological, agronomic, socio-economic and political dimensions of weed and invasive plant management?

• How can we successfully engage with societal stakeholders to better understand complex weed issues and how to solve them?

• How can we achieve truly transdisciplinary disciplinary research?

• Will a transdisciplinary approach provide us with different outcomes to what we have now?

Interested in knowing more?

• Apply now!

• Join our mailing list or follow @ANDinAAlberta to get updates about the workshop

• Have your say on the program (email

• Visit the website for more information (