Kay Yatskievych to Lead Wildflower Hike April 11


Plans have been finalized for the annual White River RC&D Wildflower Hike on April 11 which combines wildflowers with a chance to visit Bluesprings Caverns.

The popular event will return to Lawrence County and features a large sinkhole at the Caverns. The wildflower hike will be led by Kay Yatskievych, author of `Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers’ and Carroll Ritter of Outdoor Connections.

This year we’ve also brought back the popular catered lunch with the tour. Mark Spreen will be catering a barbeque pork lunch for all those who join us for the hike. We’ve found that the camaraderie of eating together outdoors gives people a chance to visit with Kay and Carroll and enriches the experiences. Anyone who has had Spreen’s barbeque knows it’s a treat in itself as well!

As a result of overwhelming interest and having to turn people away in past years, Yatskievych and Ritter will again lead two hike sessions. A maximum of 25 people are accepted for each session and the hikes fill up fast. The morning hike will end with the barbeque lunch, and the afternoon hike will begin with the lunch.

A modest $12 fee is charged which includes lunch. Bluespring Caverns will have group tour rates in the morning and afternoon for those who wish to combine a tour of the caverns with their wildflower hike. Two free tickets for cavern tours will be given away for each group compliments of the Caverns.

The guided morning hike will run from 10:00 until noon and the afternoon hike will be from 1:30 until 3:30. Lunch and registration will be at the shelter house above the caverns. Participants are encouraged to bring their cameras, but dogs are not allowed. The hikes will be held in light rain, but will be canceled in case of storms.

In previous years the hikes have filled up early, so make your reservations as early as possible by contacting Michael Wilhite at the Orange County SWCD, 573 SE Main St, Paoli, IN 47454 or call (812) 723-3311 ext. 3, or email www.OrangeSWCD.org. The White River RC&D Committee look forward to having you join us for another great hike.

For more information contact Teena Ligman, 812-276-4757