IMA Horticulture Symposium February 21

The Living Landscape, with Doug Tallamy, Kevin Tungesvick, Jim McCormac, and Irvin Etienne

Saturday, February 21, 2015 | 8 am – 4:30 pm
The Toby (auditorium), Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 North Michigan Road, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Fees: $95 IMA Members | $90 HortSoc Members | $100 Public | $75 Students (lunch included)
Organized by the IMA’s Division of Environmental & Historic Preservation with additional support from the IMA Horticultural Society.

Detailed agenda and registration info

A garden is often seen as separate from the natural world surrounding it. In truth, it is actually just one part of a larger landscape that is made up of many living layers. The replacement of the rich layers of native flora with turf grass greatly diminishes a garden’s biological diversity and ecological function. There is a pressing need for a biodiverse landscape.

Many of us have come to realize the importance of native plants in sustaining wildlife and are adding more natives to our gardens. It can be a challenge to make a garden that is friendly both to wildlife and to its human creators.

Learn about the layers of the landscape and what role the plants within them plays in the larger environment, from providing berries for birds, food for bugs, to a place for bees to pollinate.