Japanese Chaff Flower Moving Fast

This is from Ellen Jacquart, Invasives Team Leader:

Japanese chaff flower is a fast-moving invasive plant that so far has been limited to the counties along the Ohio River in Indiana.

We now have a report (thanks to Jason Isbell of the Hoosier National Forest who entered it into Report IN) of Japanese chaff flower in a wildlife opening in Lawrence County, a northern jump of several counties. That population has now been sprayed, but everyone should be watching for this invasive plant.

This is a good time of year to look for it, as the plants are at their maximum size (up to 6’ tall in sunny areas) and in fruit.

Great information and pictures can be found at http://rtrcwma.org/Japanesechafffloweralert.pdf 

It is likely it got moved north on someone’s clothes – the seeds are sticky and easily transported. Make sure you clean off your clothes/boots before entering a natural area!