Hike Liverpool Nature Preserve August 23

Where: Liverpool Nature Preserve, Lake County

When: Saturday, August 23, 2014, 10:00 to 12:00 am Central Daylight Time (11:00 to 1:00 Eastern Daylight Time)

Directions: From the intersection of I-65 and 37th Ave. (exit 258), in Lake Station, turn right (east) onto 37th Ave. Turn north (left) onto Liverpool Rd., proceed to Englehart St. and turn right (east). Follow Englehart St. to Arizona St. and turn left (north). Parking is available along Arizona St.

Guided hike is cosponsored with INDNR Division of Nature Preserves. Register for the hike using the registration icon at the top right of this page: http://www.in.gov/activecalendar_dnr/EventList.aspx?fromdate=8/1/2014&todate=8/31/2014&display=Month&type=public&eventidn=6861&view=EventDetails&information_id=13874.

Liverpool is one of our smaller State dedicated nature preserves at only 18 acres. The western portion of the property is a sand savanna that grades into prairie to the east. The eastern portion of the property is a moist sedge meadow/cattail marsh. Past sand mining operations exposed the moist, acidic sand which has been re-vegetated by a number of rare plants including sundews, bluecurles, bladderworts, black-fruited Spikerush, and carpets of club mosses. Prescribed burning and brush removal will be used to maintain the open savanna and prairie aspect. There are no true trails, this will be more of a ramble to examine rare plants and insects.

Wear appropriate clothing and footwear, bring water, sunscreen, and bug spray.

Bring binoculars and a hand lens, if you have them.

No restroom facilities.

Contact Information: Derek Nimetz, (219) 928-3997, dnimtez@dnr.in.gov