Hike Conrad Savanna Nature Preserve July 12

Where: Conrad Savanna Nature Preserve, Newton County 

When: Saturday, July 12, 2014, 10:00 am Central Daylight Time (11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time)

Cost: Free

Directions: From the intersection of S.R. 10 and U.S. 41 near the town of Lake Village, go south on U.S. 41 for 2 miles and then west on 725 N, which turns into 700 N. The preserve is on both sides of 700 N. Park at the parking lot north of 700 N. If cable gate is closed, park on side of road. 

This hike is cosponsored by the INDNR Division of Nature Preserves. Register using the registration icon at the top right of this page: http://www.in.gov/activecalendar_dnr/EventList.aspx?view=EventDetails&eventidn=6854&information_id=13860&type=&syndicate=syndicate.

Conrad Savanna preserves an example of the land forms and associated plant communities that were characteristic of the area south of the Kankakee River at the time of settlement. Fine quartz sand is the common soil in this region (as well as in the nature preserve), and it occurs in both broad flats and rolling hills. Oak savanna is the predominant plant community on these dry sands, with black and white oaks being by far the most common trees. The trees are somewhat widely spaced, and the understory is sparse. Wildfires were responsible for this open aspect in pre-settlement times, and prescribed fires are used to maintain these areas today. Due to the more open nature of savannas as compared to closed forests, plants with high light requirements thrive here. Many are plants typically associated with dry prairies, and include hairy puccoon, goat’s rue, blunt-leaved milkweed, leadplant, and New Jersey tea, as well as grasses such as little bluestem, junegrass, and porcupine grass.

  • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear, bring water, sunscreen, and bug spray.
  • Bring binoculars and a hand lens, if you have them.
  • No restroom facilities.

Contact Information: Tom Post, Northwest Regional Ecologist,  (219) 921-6714, tpost@dnr.in.gov