West Central Chapter Announces Fall Programs

West Central Chapter of INPAWS –

Indiana Native Plant  & Wildflower Society        

WC-INPAWS PROGRAM Meetings—fourth Mondays at 7pm

at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Nature Area (West Lafayette)

Dinner with the speaker is at 6pm in the MCL Cafeteria-West Lafayette

 ~ open to the public ~

MON SEP 23  “Prophetstown Plants from the Wetlands,

                         Woodlands, Grasslands, and More!”

   Angie Manuel, Interpretive Naturalist at Prophetstown State Park,

   will talk about the park’s various habitats and native plants, as well

   as the new trails and other recent developments there.

MON OCT 28  “Ten Years of Amazing Plants at Clegg Gardens”

   Ed Zschiedrich, photographer and plant lover, has repeatedly visited

   parks and natural areas all over Indiana, but one of his favorites is

   Clegg Gardens in Lafayette where he first started taking his superb

   pictures of plants and habitats.  Should be an inspiring presentation!

MON NOV 25  “Plants & their ‘niches’ on NICHES Properties

   As the land trust’s properties increase in numbers, so do numbers

   of plant species they host and protect. Bob Easter, new Stewardship

   Manager for NICHES, will show some of what’s out there!

PgmChair: Susan Ulrich 765-583-2275 sueandtedulrich@msn.com