Update on INCA Priorities and Invasive Species Council Funding

Quick update as to the status of and action needed for our 5 priorities for the legislative session:

1)      The Indiana Heritage Trust received $97,000 in the house budget bill, and the Senate will begin debating the budget next week.   INCA’s ask was $2 million/year.

a.       ACTION NEEDED: Please contact your Senator and ask them to talk to Senator Kenley and members of Senate Appropriations(unless they are on the committee).   ASK:  $2 million/year  for IHT!

2)      Clean Water Indiana received $1 million/year in general fund appropriations in the house budget bill and the Senate will begin debating the budget next week.   INCA’s ask was $1 million/year in general fund, plus $300,000/year for the division.

a.       ACTION NEEDED: Thank House members and please contact your Senator and ask them to talk to Senator Kenley and members of Senate Appropriations.  ASK: $1 million/year in general fund appropriations for CWI, plus $300,000 in general fund appropriations for the Division of Soil Conservation.

3)      The phosphorous education bill was not given a committee hearing.  )=

a.       NO action needed, unless you want to thank the bill authors.

4)      The bill on canned hunting was tabled.  (=

a.       NO action needed.

5)      The INCA-supported bill for improving public transit was passed out of committee, and will be on 3rd reading in the House on Monday.  (=

a.       ACTION: Contact your house member to voice your support for HB 1011.


The Invasive Species Council (ISC) very critically needs to secure the funds to hire an Executive Director position which would be housed through Purdue University. Purdue is requesting a $3 million research appropriation and has included $100,000 in that request to fund this Ex. Director position, for a total request of $3.1 million. 

INPAWS members, we urge you to ask your Senator to contact Senator Kenley and other members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to support the $3.1 million for Purdue to house the Executive Director position.  The ISC has been a past priority of INCA’s.