Opposition to Dam on White River in Anderson

This from the Heart of the River Coalition (November 1):

The Heart of the River coalition announces its position in opposition to the planned dam and reservoir on White River. After extensive review, we believe that a reservoir would not be in the best interest of the community and the ecology of the White River because it would destroy a rare and high-quality natural resource in east central Indiana.

Our position is accompanied by a rationale document– our case statement, which lists many of the major concerns and problematic issues which are known at this time.

“The forested riparian corridor along this section of the upper White River represents a refuge for our native flora and fauna in an otherwise suburban and agricultural landscape. Preservation and stewardship of this living museum of natural history is our obligation to future generations” said Kevin Tungesvick, a botanist who resides in Anderson.

Sheryl Myers, also from Anderson, added: “This plan is a twentieth-century solution to a twenty-first century problem. Dams are being removed from rivers across the US. We represent citizens in our community who would rather capitalize on the natural treasures already in place instead of building a reservoir and relinquishing decision-making authority to profit-seeking organizations outside the community.”

“There would be big impacts on public health and safety and the environment. It could be very costly to taxpayers and ratepayers, and conservation is cheaper than building more supply” noted Clarke Kahlo.

The coalition was formed in April of this year shortly after the announcement of the planned reservoir. It is comprised of a broad range of interests which would be affected by the plan. It includes ecologists, business/property owners threatened by the plan, recreational users of the White River corridor, and affected home owners. It has been meeting on a frequent basis in the interim to study what is known about the plan and to consider the impacts on the community and the river corridor which have not been fully evaluated.

The community is invited to review our supporting documents—our Case Statement as well as our alternative vision for the community which will be posted on our website, Moundslakereservoir.org.

For additional info, contact:

Kevin Tungesvick–  kevintungesvick@gmail.com

Sheryl Myers—(765) 620-4166

Deb Farrell– (812) 248-0571