Volunteers Sought for Urban Flora Research

Dr. Rebecca Dolan is looking for volunteers to assist in urban flora research project. She writes:

“I am looking for volunteers to help me gather data on plant functional traits as part of an international research project investigating what sorts of wild plants are able to survive in cities. 

“The work involves reference book and internet research to gather information on around 2,000 species. I am looking for information like height, flower color, habitat, origin, habit, etc.  I’ll create an Excel spreadsheet for data entry and provide training in how to find the needed information.  I hope to put together a small team to divide and conquer this task.

“Please e-mail or call me if you are interested.  No formal botany training is needed, but you would need to have a good working knowledge of botanical terms and time to devote to the project this winter and spring. Volunteers can work from home or come to the Butler Herbarium.”

If interested or if you’d like more information before you decide, please contact Rebecca Dolan at rdolan@butler.edu or 317-940-9413 by March 1.