An Appeal to Fund Invasive Species Research

This appeal comes to us by way of Ellen Jacquart from Lauren Smith, PhD Candidate, Reynolds Lab, Department of Biology, Indiana University

Do you want to contribute to the progress of invasive species research?

I’m a PhD candidate at Indiana University in Bloomington, and I’m studying plant invasion ecology. In particular, I’m studying the high-impact invader garlic mustard, and its use of “novel weapons,” or toxic allelochemicals that harm native speices. My goal is to figure out what environmental conditions favor high production of these harmful chemicals so that we can use our management resources most efficiently to reduce the damage caused by this nasty invader. 

I’m currently participating in a project called #SciFund Challenge, which is a science crowdfunding project. The purpose of #SciFund is to raise awareness about my research while also raising the funds needed to complete my work. As a SciFund participant, I have worked with scientists from across the globe to put together a website with information and a video about my research.

You can view my project page here:

All #SciFund contributors earn rewards in return for helping to fuel a project. Depending on the amount given, contributors to my project will earn rewards designed to help increase native biodiversity. The rewards I’m offering include native seeds to plant in your yard or an educational presentation for the group of your choice!

Please consider helping me to fuel my research by passing this information along to anyone who you think might be interested. Consider posting the link for your social network, emailing it to your local native species advocacy group, or just telling your friends about it. And if you really like my project, please consider making a contribution!